Anniversary of POW’s Return Home
Authors Judy Silverstein Gray and Taylor Kiland write on the 50th anniversary of Vietnam POW’s returning home in the Coronado Magazine. Their book Unwavering: The Wives Who Fought to Leave No Man is Left Behind released May 2th, 2023.
The McDonough Company Secures Film Rights to Brass & Unity
The McDonough Company secures the film and TV rights for Kelsi Sheren’s debut memoir Brass & Unity. To read the full article click here.
Mr. Kaves Talks Brooklyn, Hip Hop, and a Multicultural Mindset
Author of The ABCs of the Grateful Dead, Michael “Kaves” McLeer, went on “Know Thy Neighbor” to talk about growing up in Brooklyn and how this made him gravitate towards the hip hop culture at a young age. The watch the full article click here.
Former Lt. Col. USMC, Stuart Scheller on How to Fix the Military
Former Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller of the USMC speaks to the future president on how best to fix the military in this article. To read it click here.
‘At First Light’ featured on The Epoch Times
The Epoch Times highlights Walt Larimore and Mike Yorkey’s WWII narrative, ‘At First Light’.
Sly and the Family Stone in Variety
Sly and the Family Stone by Joel Selvin was included Variety’s round-up of the best music books of 2022.
Kirkus Review of From Scratch
A Kirkus review of From Scratch by David and Jon Moscow went live.
Ben Askren in Reuters
An interview with Ben Askren was in Reuters to talk about his book, Funky.
Excerpt from Funky in FloWrestling
An excerpt of Funky by Ben Askren was posted on FloWrestling’s website.
ABCs of the Grateful Dead in JamBands
The ABCs of the Grateful Dead were mentioned on the JamBands website.