Remote Viewing & Men Who Stare at Goats

By Steven Pajak Have you heard of Remote Viewing? If you have, you probably read the book or watched the movie Men Who Stare at Goats. But more than likely you haven’t. It wasn’t until I was doing research for one of my novels that I stumbled upon the subject of Remote Viewing. I was so

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An Interview with Author Gerald Rice

To begin, please introduce yourself to our audience. What is your name? Who are you? What books have you written? I’m Gerald Dean Rice and I write horror. I’ve been a horror fan for as long as I can remember. My mother took me to see movies like Creepshow and The Howling when I was five years old and

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The Black Seas of Infinity Book Trailer

By Dan Henk Check out this cool book trailer for Dan Henk’s THE BLACK SEAS OF INFINITY – out now! Order Dan’s book HERE in either e-format or paperback. Visions of pulp era heroes fill his thoughts, all of which fade as he grows up. Working as an engineer for the military, he unexpectedly ends up investigating

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An Interview with TC Armstrong, author of Notes from a Necrophobe

To begin, please introduce yourself. What is your name? Who are you? What books have you written? Etc. I’ve always enjoyed writing and won awards in high school for my short stories. Unfortunately life got in the way and my prose trickled down to a daily journal. My dream of being a writer faded even

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The Horror Movie Remake Movement

By Stevie Kopas, author of The Breadwinner Trilogy The last decade or so has seen a whole slew of horror movie remakes.  Some that enraged lovers of the originals and some that made their marks on a new generation of horror lovers. Love them or hate them, remakes are important in keeping classic horror stories

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Why Werewolves?

By Slade Grayson My novel, Autumn Moon, is about a pack of werewolves that control a small town in Montana. Things have run smoothly for over a century, until an idealistic (and troubled) young minister comes to town and upsets the status quo. “Why werewolves?” That’s the question I get a lot. Certainly, the plot of

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An Interview with Exit Zero author Neil Cohen

“As for rebuilding society, that is someone else’s genre. I enjoy tearing it down.” Name: Neil A. Cohen Rank: None Serial Number: None of your damn business. I am the author behind the zombie novel Exit Zero.  Some would say I am the culprit behind Exit Zero for my murder of the English language, destruction of proper sentence

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An Interview with Jason Bovberg, Author of Blood Red

1. Please introduce yourself to our readers. Tell us a little about yourself… I’m a father. (I have two daughters who challenge me every day.) I’m a book collector. (My favorite books are I Am Legend, TheSilence of the Lambs, and To Kill a Mockingbird.) I’m a movie buff. (My favorite movies are Raiders of the Lost Ark, SE7EN, and

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The Thing: An Allegorical Argument

By Gerald Dean Rice Like every horror writer, I’m a fan of horror movies. I saw movies like Creepshow and The Howling when I was five years old. I’ve seen my fair share of really bad ones and some good ones too. Occasionally, there are great horror movies that I see something new even after watching them hundreds of times. One such

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12 Questions with William Vitka

What books have you written? Stranded, Emergence, Live From the End of the World (nee Infected), A Man and His Robot, Blood God, Kill Machine (all are part of the Hroza series), the Bartender series, and there are a few more in the pipe coming from Permuted and Post Hill Press. What first inspired you

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