Solace Wales

Our author is Solace Wales. Former director of the International Child Art Center in San Francisco, Ms. Wales, and her artist husband have lived part of the year in Sommocolonia since the early 1970s 1975. Ms Wales has interviewed both the villagers in Italy and surviving Buffalo Soldier African-American veterans and their families across the United States. In 1997, she was invited by the White House to attend the long overdue ceremony where President Clinton recognized African Americans serving in WWII including BRAIDED IN FIRE’s protagonist, Lt. John Fox.
Ms. Wales is the Representative to Other Countries for Associazione Ricreativa Sommocolonia ‘Association for the Renewal of Sommocolonia,’ (ARS), a non-profit organization formed in 2011, The museum attracts a large Tuscan audience as well as many tourists who will want to learn more about the village experience through BRAIDED IN FIRE. Wales will do fund raisers for the new museum in the US, England and elsewhere creating a wider audience. On the 75th anniversary of the Sommocolonia battle, December 26, 2019, the museum, honoring men of the 366th Infantry Regiment who fought in the battle, will host a commemoration bound to attract major media attention.

Books bySolace Wales