Millennia ago, planet Helios held a grand technological civilization. But the Cataclysm tore the land apart, and the survivors were forced to flee to the Six Stations, the artificial planetoids that orbited Helios. It did not take long for
their society to devolve into a virtual medieval world, with barely enough technology to survive the harshness of life in space. Out of this culture arose a line of monarchs called the Reign of Four.
The first female monarch in history, Alexis the Third, Mistress of Station Aelon and its Primes, proved that gender was not what made a monarch–and she changed System Helios forever.
The first master to ever attempt ruling two stations and two primes, Alexis Teirmont the Fourth would set into motion an avalanche of events. From the orbit of the stations around Helios, to the gas covered lands of the planet, Alexis would leave left a bloody mark on history that will not soon be forgotten.
Millennia ago, planet Helios held a grand technological civilization. But the Cataclysm tore the land apart, and the survivors were forced to flee to the Six Stations, the artificial planetoids that orbited Helios. It did not take long for
their society to devolve into a virtual medieval world, with barely enough technology to survive the harshness of life in space. Out of this culture arose a line of monarchs called the Reign of Four.
The first female monarch in history, Alexis the Third, Mistress of Station Aelon and its Primes, proved that gender was not what made a monarch–and she changed System Helios forever.
The first master to ever attempt ruling two stations and two primes, Alexis Teirmont the Fourth would set into motion an avalanche of events. From the orbit of the stations around Helios, to the gas covered lands of the planet, Alexis would leave left a bloody mark on history that will not soon be forgotten.
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